Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Released

Taranakipine, manufacturers of Woodspan PLT and other members of the Wood Processors and Manufacturers Association (WPMA) have now released an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for NZ Radiata pine including laminated timber.

An EPD is an independently verified and registered document that communicates transparent and comparable data and other relevant environmental information about the life cycle environmental impact of a product. Building materials are measured using a range of indicators, one of which is Global Warming Potential. This is measured in units of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 e). You can find out more about EPDs here.

To summarise, our EPD reinforced what we already know – that our timber products have exceptional environmental credentials, particularly around their ability to sequester carbon.

Please visit our technical section of our website to download. There is a lot (putting it lightly) of information to work through so please feel free to contact us and we will give you the 5 minute summary. Go timber!